Related Software¶
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Other implementations of quantum control¶
QDYN (Fortran) – comprehensive package for quantum dynamics and control. The implementation of the
package was inspired by QDYN.QuTiP (Python) – Quantum Toolbox in Python [106, 107]. Provides the basic data structures for the
. Contains implementation of GRAPE and CRAB.WavePacket (Matlab) [69] – Implemenentation of monotonically converging iterative schemes for wavepacket dynamics
DYNAMO (Matlab) [71] – Implementation of GRadient Ascent Pulse Engineering (GRAPE), including concurrent/sequenetial/hybrid schemes
QEngine (C++) [93] – Implementation of “GRadient Optimization Using Parametrization” (GROUP) [92]
Juqbox.jl (Julia) [108] – Quantum optimal control framework implementing methods developed at LLNL (symplectic time integration, parameterization of the control functions using B-splines with carrier waves)
Quandary (C++) – Optimal control for open and closed quantum systems for controls as B-spline polynomials
C3 (Python) [109] – An integrated tool-set for Control, Calibration and Characterization
QuantumControl.jl (Julia) – Comprehensive Framework for Quantum Control, within the the JuliaQuantumControl org
Krotov.jl (Julia) – Reimplementation of this package in Julia, with further features such as automatic differentiation. Part of the JuliaQuantumControl org.
QControl.jl (Julia) – Quantum Control via Constrained Trajectory Optimization
qontrol (Python) – Quantum optimal control package built on top of dynamics, using JAX
PRONTO.jl (Julia) – PRojection-Operator-Based Newton’s Method for Trajectory Optimization
Piccolo.jl (Julia) – Quantum optimal control using the Pade Integrator Collocation (Piccolo) method
Pulser (Python) [110] – Framework for composing, simulating and executing pulse sequences for neutral-atom quantum devices
Bloqade.jl (Julia) – Quantum dynamics on neutral-atom architectures
Mitiq (Python) – Toolkit for implementing error mitigation techniques on quantum computers
QuantumOptics.jl (Julia) – Framework to simulate various kinds of open quantum systems, inspired by QuTiP
QuantumToolbox.jl (Julia) – Translation of QuTiP to Julia, aiming to preserve the QuTiP API as closely as possible
QuantumSavory.jl (Julia) – Multi-formalism simulator for noisy quantum communication and computation hardware
QuanEstimation (Python/Julia) – Toolkit for quantum parameter estimation
The following packages integrate closely with krotov
weylchamber (Python) – Package for analyzing two-qubit gates in the Weyl chamber. Provides Local-Invariants and Perfect Entangler functionals for use with