Source code for krotov.functionals

r"""Functionals and `chi_constructor` routines.

Any `chi_constructor` routine passed to :func:`.optimize_pulses` must take the
following keyword-arguments:

    * `fw_states_T` (:class:`list` of :class:`~qutip.Qobj`): The list of
      states resulting from the forward-propagation of each
      :attr:`.Objective.initial_state` under the guess pulses of the current
      iteration (the optimized pulses of the previous iteration)

    * `objectives` (:class:`list` of :class:`.Objective`): A list of the
      optimization objectives.

    * `tau_vals` (:class:`list` of :class:`complex` or :obj:`None`): The
      overlaps of the :attr:`` and the corresponding
      `fw_states_T`, assuming :attr:`` contains a
      quantum state. If the objective defines no target state, a list of Nones

Krotov's method does not have an explicit dependence on the optimization
functional. It only enters through the `chi_constructor` which calculates the
boundary condition for the backward propagation, that is, the states

.. math::

      = - \left.\frac{\partial J_T}
        {\partial \Bra{\phi_k}}

for functionals defined in Hilbert space, or

.. math::

      = - \left.\frac{\partial J_T}
        {\partial \langle\!\langle\Op{\rho}_k\vert}

in Liouville space, using the abstract
Hilbert-Schmidt notation :math:`\langle\!\langle a \vert b \rangle\!\rangle
\equiv \tr[a^\dagger b]`.
Passing a specific `chi_constructor` results in the minimization of the final
time functional from which that `chi_constructor` was derived.

The functions in this module that evaluate functionals are intended for use
inside a function that is passed as an `info_hook` to :func:`.optimize_pulses`.
Thus, they calculate $J_T$ from the same keyword arguments as the `info_hook`.
The values for $J_T$ may be used in a convergence analysis, see
import logging

import numpy as np
import qutip

from .second_order import _overlap

__all__ = [

[docs]def f_tau(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals=None, **kwargs): r"""Average complex overlaps of the target states with the `fw_states_T`. That is, .. math:: f_{\tau} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^{N} w_k \tau_k where $\tau_k$ are the elements of `tau_vals`, assumed to be .. math:: \tau_k = \Braket{\Psi_k^{\tgt}}{\Psi_k(T)}, in Hilbert space, or .. math:: \tau_k = \tr\left[\Op{\rho}_k^{\tgt\,\dagger}\Op{\rho}_k(T)\right] in Liouville space, where $\ket{\Psi_k}$ or $\Op{\rho}_k$ are the elements of `fw_states_T`, and $\ket{\Psi_k^{\tgt}}$ or $\Op{\rho}^{\tgt}$ are the target states from the :attr:`` attribute of the objectives. If `tau_vals` are None, they will be calculated internally. $N$ is the number of objectives, and $w_k$ is an optional weight for each objective. For any objective that has a (custom) `weight` attribute, the $w_k$ is taken from that attribute; otherwise, $w_k = 1$. The weights, if present, are not automatically normalized, they are assumed to have values such that the resulting $f_{\tau}$ lies in the unit circle of the complex plane. Usually, this means that the weights should sum to $N$. The exception would be for mixed target states, where the weights should compensate for the non-unit purity. The problem may be circumvented by using :func:`J_T_hs` for mixed target states. The `kwargs` are ignored, allowing the function to be used in an `info_hook`. """ if tau_vals is None: tau_vals = [ _overlap(, psi) for (psi, obj) in zip(fw_states_T, objectives) ] res = 0j for (obj, τ) in zip(objectives, tau_vals): if τ is None: logger = logging.getLogger('krotov') logger.warning("τ is None in f_tau") continue if hasattr(obj, 'weight'): res += obj.weight * τ else: res += τ return res / len(objectives)
[docs]def F_ss(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals=None, **kwargs): r"""State-to-state phase-insensitive fidelity .. math:: F_{\text{ss}} = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{k=1}^{N} w_k \Abs{\tau_k}^2 \quad\in [0, 1] with $N$, $w_k$ and $\tau_k$ as in :func:`f_tau`. The `kwargs` are ignored, allowing the function to be used in an `info_hook`. """ if tau_vals is None: # get the absolute square, analogously to the f_tau function above tau_vals_abssq = [ abs(_overlap(, psi)) ** 2 for (psi, obj) in zip(fw_states_T, objectives) ] else: tau_vals_abssq = [abs(tau) ** 2 for tau in tau_vals] F = f_tau(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals_abssq) assert abs(F.imag) < 1e-10, F.imag return F.real
[docs]def J_T_ss(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals=None, **kwargs): r"""State-to-state phase-insensitive functional $J_{T,\text{ss}}$ .. math:: J_{T,\text{ss}} = 1 - F_{\text{ss}} \quad\in [0, 1]. All arguments are passed to :func:`F_ss`. """ return 1 - F_ss(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals)
[docs]def chis_ss(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals): r"""States $\ket{\chi_k}$ for functional $J_{T,\text{ss}}$ .. math:: \Ket{\chi_k} = -\frac{\partial J_{T,\text{ss}}}{\partial \bra{\Psi_k(T)}} = \frac{1}{N} w_k \tau_k \Ket{\Psi^{\tgt}_k} with $\tau_k$ and $w_k$ as defined in :func:`f_tau`. """ N = len(objectives) res = [] for (obj, τ) in zip(objectives, tau_vals): # `` is assumed to be the "target state" (gate applied to # `initial_state`) if hasattr(obj, 'weight'): res.append((τ / N) * obj.weight * else: res.append((τ / N) * return res
[docs]def F_sm(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals=None, **kwargs): r"""Square-modulus fidelity .. math:: F_{\text{sm}} = \Abs{f_{\tau}}^2 \quad\in [0, 1]. All arguments are passed to :func:`f_tau` to evaluate $f_{\tau}$. """ return abs(f_tau(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals)) ** 2
[docs]def J_T_sm(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals=None, **kwargs): r"""Square-modulus functional $J_{T,\text{sm}}$ .. math:: J_{T,\text{sm}} = 1 - F_{\text{sm}} \quad\in [0, 1] All arguments are passed to :func:`f_tau` while evaluating $F_{\text{sm}}$ in :func:`F_sm`. """ return 1 - F_sm(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals)
[docs]def chis_sm(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals): r"""States $\ket{\chi_k}$ for functional $J_{T,\text{sm}}$ .. math:: \Ket{\chi_k} = -\frac{\partial J_{T,\text{sm}}}{\partial \bra{\Psi_k(T)}} = \frac{1}{N^2} w_k \sum_{j}^{N} w_j\tau_j\Ket{\Psi^{\tgt}_k} with optional weights $w_k$, cf. :func:`f_tau` (default: :math:`w_k=1`). If given, the weights should generally sum to $N$. """ sum_of_w_tau = 0 for (obj, τ) in zip(objectives, tau_vals): if hasattr(obj, 'weight'): sum_of_w_tau += obj.weight * τ else: sum_of_w_tau += τ c = 1.0 / (len(objectives)) ** 2 res = [] for obj in objectives: # `` is assumed to be the "target state" (gate applied to # `initial_state`) if hasattr(obj, 'weight'): res.append(c * obj.weight * * sum_of_w_tau) else: res.append(c * * sum_of_w_tau) return res
[docs]def F_re(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals=None, **kwargs): r"""Real-part fidelity .. math:: F_{\text{re}} = \Re[f_{\tau}] \quad\in \begin{cases} [-1, 1] & \text{in Hilbert space} \\ [0, 1] & \text{in Liouville space.} \end{cases} All arguments are passed to :func:`f_tau` to evaluate $f_{\tau}$. """ return f_tau(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals).real
[docs]def J_T_re(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals=None, **kwargs): r"""Real-part functional $J_{T,\text{re}}$ .. math:: J_{T,\text{re}} = 1 - F_{\text{re}} \quad\in \begin{cases} [0, 2] & \text{in Hilbert space} \\ [0, 1] & \text{in Liouville space.} \end{cases} All arguments are passed to :func:`f_tau` while evaluating $F_{\text{re}}$ in :func:`F_re`. Note: If the target states are mixed, $J_{T,\text{re}}$ may take negative values (for `fw_states_T` that are "in the right direction", but more pure than the target states). In this case, you may consider using :func:`J_T_hs`. """ return 1 - F_re(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals)
[docs]def chis_re(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals): r"""States $\ket{\chi_k}$ for functional $J_{T,\text{re}}$ .. math:: \Ket{\chi_k} = -\frac{\partial J_{T,\text{re}}}{\partial \bra{\Psi_k(T)}} = \frac{1}{2N} w_k \Ket{\Psi^{\tgt}_k} with optional weights $w_k$, cf. :func:`f_tau` (default: :math:`w_k=1`). If given, the weights should generally sum to $N$. Note: `tau_vals` are ignored, but are present to satisfy the requirments of the `chi_constructor` interface. """ c = 1.0 / (2 * len(objectives)) res = [] for obj in objectives: # `` is assumed to be the "target state" (gate applied to # `initial_state`) if hasattr(obj, 'weight'): res.append(c * obj.weight * else: res.append(c * return res
[docs]def J_T_hs(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals=None, **kwargs): r"""Hilbert-Schmidt distance measure functional $J_{T,\text{hs}}$ .. math:: J_{T,\text{hs}} = \frac{1}{2N} \sum_{k=1}^{N} w_k \Norm{\Op{\rho}_k(T) - \Op{\rho}_k^{\tgt}}_{\text{hs}}^2 \quad \in \begin{cases} [0, 2] & \text{in Hilbert space} \\ [0, 1] & \text{in Liouville space} \end{cases} in Liouville space (using the Hilbert-Schmidt norm), or equivalently with $\ket{\Psi_k(T)}$ and $\ket{\Psi_k^{tgt}}$ in Hilbert space. The functional is evaluated as .. math:: J_{T,\text{hs}} = \frac{1}{2N} \sum_{k=1}^{N} w_k \left( \Norm{\Op{\rho}_k(T)}_{\text{hs}}^2 + \Norm{\Op{\rho}^{\tgt}}_{\text{hs}}^2 - 2 \Re[\tau_k] \right) where the $\Op{\rho}_k$ are the elements of `fw_states_T`, the $\Op{\rho}_k^{\tgt}$ are the target states from the :attr:`` attribute of the objectives, and the $\tau_k$ are the elements of `tau_vals` (which will be calculated internally if passed as None). The $w_k$ are optional weights, cf. :func:`f_tau`. If given, the weights should generally sum to $N$. The `kwargs` are ignored, allowing the function to be used in an `info_hook`. Note: For pure states (or Hilbert space states), $J_{T,\text{hs}}$ is equivalent to $J_{T,\text{re}}$, cf. :func:`J_T_re`. However, the backward-propagated states $\chi_k$ obtained from the two functionals (:func:`chis_re` and :func:`chis_hs`) are *not* equivalent. This may result in a vastly different optimization landscape that requires a significantly different value of the $\lambda_a$ value that regulates the overall magnitude of the pulse updates (given in `pulse_options` in :func:`.optimize_pulses`). """ if tau_vals is None: tau_vals = [ _overlap(, psi) for (psi, obj) in zip(fw_states_T, objectives) ] res = 0.0 hs = 'l2' # qutip's name for HS-norm for state vectors if fw_states_T[0].type == 'oper': hs = 'fro' # qutip's name for HS-norm for density matrices for (obj, ρ, τ) in zip(objectives, fw_states_T, tau_vals): ρ_tgt = if hasattr(obj, 'weight'): res += obj.weight * ( ρ.norm(hs) ** 2 + ρ_tgt.norm(hs) ** 2 - 2 * τ.real ) else: res += ρ.norm(hs) ** 2 + ρ_tgt.norm(hs) ** 2 - 2 * τ.real return res / (2 * len(objectives))
[docs]def chis_hs(fw_states_T, objectives, tau_vals): r"""States $\Op{\chi}_k$ for functional $J_{T,\text{hs}}$ .. math:: \Op{\chi}_k = -\frac{\partial J_{T,\text{sm}}} {\partial \langle\!\langle \Op{\rho}_k(T)\vert} = \frac{1}{2N} w_k \left(\Op{\rho}^{\tgt}_k - \Op{\rho}_k(T)\right) with optional weights $w_k$, cf. :func:`f_tau` (default: :math:`w_k=1`). This is derived from $J_{T,\text{hs}}$ rewritten in the abstract Hilbert-Schmidt notation :math:`\langle\!\langle a \vert b \rangle\!\rangle \equiv \tr[a^\dagger b]`: .. math:: J_{T,\text{hs}} = \frac{-1}{2N} \sum_{k=1}^{N} w_k \big( \underbrace{ \langle\!\langle \Op{\rho}_k(T) \vert \Op{\rho}_k^{\tgt} \rangle\!\rangle + \langle\!\langle \Op{\rho}_k^{\tgt}\vert \Op{\rho}_k(T) \rangle\!\rangle }_{=2\Re[\tau_k]} - \underbrace{ \langle\!\langle \Op{\rho}_k(T) \vert \Op{\rho}_k(T) \rangle\!\rangle }_{=\Norm{\Op{\rho}_k(T)}_{\text{hs}}^2} - \underbrace{ \langle\!\langle \Op{\rho}_k^{\tgt} \vert \Op{\rho}_k^{\tgt} \rangle\!\rangle }_{=\Norm{\Op{\rho}^{\tgt}}_{\text{hs}}^2} \big). Note: `tau_vals` are ignored, but are present to satisfy the requirments of the `chi_constructor` interface. """ c = 1.0 / (2 * len(objectives)) res = [] for (obj, ρ) in zip(objectives, fw_states_T): ρ_tgt = if hasattr(obj, 'weight'): w = obj.weight res.append(c * w * (ρ_tgt - ρ)) else: res.append(c * (ρ_tgt - ρ)) return res
[docs]def F_avg( fw_states_T, basis_states, gate, mapped_basis_states=None, prec=1e-5 ): r"""Average gate fidelity .. math:: F_{\text{avg}} = \int \big\langle \Psi \big\vert \Op{O}^\dagger \DynMap[\ketbra{\Psi}{\Psi}] \Op{O} \big\vert \Psi \big\rangle \dd \Psi where $\Op{O}$ is the target `gate`, and $\DynMap$ represents the dynamical map from time zero to $T$. In Liouville space, this is numerically evaluated as .. math:: F_{\text{avg}} = \frac{1}{N (N+1)} \sum_{i,j=1}^N \left( \big\langle \phi_i \big\vert \Op{O}^\dagger \Op{\rho}_{ij} \Op{O} \big\vert \phi_j \big\rangle + \big\langle \phi_i \big\vert \Op{O}^\dagger \Op{\rho}_{jj} \Op{O} \big\vert \phi_i \big\rangle \right), where :math:`\ket{\phi_i}` is the :math:`i`'th element of `basis_states`, and :math:`\Op{\rho}_{ij}` is the :math:`(i-1) N + j`'th element of `fw_states_T`, that is, :math:`\Op{\rho}_{ij} = \DynMap[\ketbra{\phi_i}{\phi_j}]`, with :math:`N` the dimension of the Hilbert space. In Hilbert space (unitary dynamics), this simplifies to .. math:: F_{\text{avg}} = \frac{1}{N (N+1)} \left( \Abs{\tr\left[\Op{O}^\dagger \Op{U}\right]}^2 + \tr\left[\Op{O}^\dagger \Op{U} \Op{U}^\dagger \Op{O}\right] \right), where $\Op{U}$ the gate that maps `basis_states` to the result of a forward propagation of those basis states, stored in `fw_states_T`. Args: fw_states_T (list[qutip.Qobj]): The forward propagated states. For dissipative dynamics, this must be the forward propagation of the full basis of Liouville space, that is, all $N^2$ dyadic combinations of the Hilbert space logical basis states. For unitary dynamics, the $N$ forward-propagated `basis_states`. basis_states (list[qutip.Qobj]): The $N$ Hilbert space logical basis states gate (qutip.Qobj): The $N \times N$ quantum gate in the logical subspace, e.g. :func:`qutip.qip.gates.cnot`. mapped_basis_states (None or list[qutip.Qobj]): If given, the result of applying gate to `basis_states`. If not given, this will be calculated internally via :func:`mapped_basis`. It is recommended to pass pre-calculated `mapped_basis_states` when evaluating $F_{\text{avg}}$ repeatedly for the same target. prec (float): assert that the fidelity is correct at least up to the given precision. Mathematically, $F_{\text{avg}}$ is a real value. However, errors in the `fw_states_T` can lead to a small non-zero imaginary part. We assert that this imaginary part is below `prec`. """ # F_avg is not something you can optimize directly: Nobody has calculated # ∂(1-F_avg)/∂⟨ϕ|. This is why there is no J_T_avg, and why F_avg does not # follow the info_hook interface. N = len(basis_states) if gate.shape != (N, N): raise ValueError( "Shape of gate is incompatible with number of basis states" ) if fw_states_T[0].type == 'oper': if len(fw_states_T) != N * N: raise ValueError( "Evaluating F_avg for density matrices requires %d states " "(forward-propagation of all dyadic combinations of " "%d basis states), not %d" % (N * N, N, len(fw_states_T)) ) return _F_avg_rho( fw_states_T, basis_states, gate, mapped_basis_states, imag_limit=prec, ) elif fw_states_T[0].type == 'ket': if len(fw_states_T) != N: raise ValueError( "Evaluating F_avg for hilbert space states requires %d states " "(forward-propagation of all basis states), not %d" % (N, len(fw_states_T)) ) return _F_avg_psi(fw_states_T, basis_states, gate, imag_limit=prec) else: raise ValueError("Invalid type of state: %s" % fw_states_T[0].type)
def _F_avg_rho( fw_states_T, basis_states, gate, mapped_basis_states, imag_limit=1e-10 ): """Implementation of F_avg in Liouville space""" if mapped_basis_states is None: mapped_basis_states = mapped_basis(gate, basis_states) N = len(basis_states) F = 0 for j in range(N): ρ_jj = fw_states_T[j * N + j] # zero-based indices! Oϕ_j = mapped_basis_states[j] for i in range(N): ρ_ij = fw_states_T[i * N + j] # zero-based indices! Oϕ_i = mapped_basis_states[i] F += _overlap(Oϕ_i, ρ_ij(Oϕ_j)) + _overlap(Oϕ_i, ρ_jj(Oϕ_i)) assert abs(F.imag) < imag_limit, "%.2e > %.2e" % (F.imag, imag_limit) return F.real / (N * (N + 1)) def _F_avg_psi(fw_states_T, basis_states, O, imag_limit=1e-10): """Implementation of F_avg in Hilbert space""" N = len(basis_states) U = gate(basis_states, fw_states_T) F = abs((O.dag() * U).tr()) ** 2 + (O.dag() * U * U.dag() * O).tr() assert abs(F.imag) < imag_limit, "%.2e > %.2e" % (F.imag, imag_limit) return F.real / (N * (N + 1))
[docs]def gate(basis_states, fw_states_T): """Gate that maps `basis_states` to `fw_states_T` Example: >>> from qutip import ket >>> basis = [ket(nums) for nums in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]] >>> CNOT = qutip.Qobj( ... [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]], ... dims=[[2, 2], [2, 2]] ... ) >>> fw_states_T = mapped_basis(CNOT, basis) >>> U = gate(basis, fw_states_T) >>> assert (U - CNOT).norm() < 1e-15 """ N = len(basis_states) U = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.complex128) for j in range(N): for i in range(N): U[i, j] = basis_states[i].overlap(fw_states_T[j]) dims = [basis_states[0].dims[0], fw_states_T[0].dims[0]] return qutip.Qobj(U, dims=dims)
[docs]def mapped_basis(O, basis_states): """Apply the gate `O` to `basis_states`. Example: >>> from qutip import ket >>> basis = [ket(nums) for nums in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]] >>> CNOT = qutip.Qobj( ... [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0]], ... dims=[[2, 2], [2, 2]] ... ) >>> states = mapped_basis(CNOT, basis) >>> assert (states[0] - ket((0, 0))).norm() < 1e-15 >>> assert (states[1] - ket((0, 1))).norm() < 1e-15 >>> assert (states[2] - ket((1, 1))).norm() < 1e-15 # swap (1, 1) ... >>> assert (states[3] - ket((1, 0))).norm() < 1e-15 # ... and (1, 0) """ return tuple( [ sum( [complex(O[i, j]) * basis_states[i] for i in range(O.shape[0])] ) for j in range(O.shape[1]) ] )