Source code for krotov.result

"""Module defining the :class:`Result` object that is returned by
import copyreg
import datetime
import logging
import pickle
import time
from textwrap import dedent

from .conversions import _nested_list_shallow_copy, pulse_onto_tlist
from .objectives import Objective, _ControlPlaceholder, _Objective_reduce

__all__ = ['Result']

[docs]class Result: """Result of a Krotov optimization with :func:`.optimize_pulses`. Attributes: objectives (list[Objective]): The control objectives tlist (numpy.ndarray): The time grid values iters (list[int]): Iteration numbers, starting at 0. iter_seconds (list[int]): for each iteration number, the number of seconds that were spent in the optimization info_vals (list): For each iteration, the return value of `info_hook`, or None tau_vals (list[list[complex]): for each iteration, a list of complex overlaps between the target state and the forward-propagated state for each objective, assuming :attr:`` contains the target state. If there is no target state, an empty list. guess_controls (list[numpy.ndarray]): List of the guess controls in array format optimized_controls (list[numpy.ndarray]): List of the optimized control fields, in the order corresponding to :attr:`guess_controls` controls_mapping (list): A nested list that indicates where in :attr:`objectives` the :attr:`guess_controls` and :attr:`optimized_controls` are used (as returned by :func:`.extract_controls_mapping`) all_pulses (list): If the optimization was performed with ``store_all_pulses=True``, for each iteration, a list of the optimized pulses (in the order corresponding to :attr:`guess_controls`). These pulses are defined at midpoints of the `tlist` intervals. Empty list if ``store_all_pulses=False`` states (list[list[qutip.Qobj]]): for each objective, a list of states for each value in `tlist`, obtained from propagation under the final optimized control fields. start_local_time (time.struct_time): Time stamp of when the optimization started end_local_time (time.struct_time): Time stamp of when the optimization ended message (str): Description of why :func:`.optimize_pulses` completed, E.g, "Reached 1000 iterations" """ time_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" """Format used in :attr:`start_local_time_str` and :attr:`end_local_time_str` """ def __init__(self): self.objectives = [] self.tlist = [] self.iters = [] self.iter_seconds = [] self.info_vals = [] self.tau_vals = [] self.guess_controls = [] self.optimized_controls = [] self.controls_mapping = [] self.all_pulses = [] self.states = [] self.start_local_time = None self.end_local_time = None self.message = '' def __str__(self): return dedent( r''' Krotov Optimization Result -------------------------- - Started at {start_local_time} - Number of objectives: {n_objectives} - Number of iterations: {n_iters} - Reason for termination: {message} - Ended at {end_local_time} ({time_delta}) '''.format( start_local_time=self.start_local_time_str, n_objectives=len(self.objectives), n_iters=len(self.iters) - 1, # do not count zero iteration end_local_time=self.end_local_time_str, time_delta=str( datetime.timedelta( seconds=time.mktime(self.end_local_time) - time.mktime(self.start_local_time) ) ), message=self.message, ) ).strip() def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() @property def start_local_time_str(self): """The :attr:`start_local_time` attribute formatted as a string""" if self.start_local_time is not None: return time.strftime(self.time_fmt, self.start_local_time) else: return 'n/a' @property def end_local_time_str(self): """The :attr:`end_local_time` attribute formatted as a string""" if self.end_local_time is not None: return time.strftime(self.time_fmt, self.end_local_time) else: return 'n/a' @property def optimized_objectives(self): """list[Objective]: A copy of the :attr:`objectives` with the :attr:`optimized_controls` plugged in.""" return self.objectives_with_controls(self.optimized_controls)
[docs] def objectives_with_controls(self, controls): """List of objectives with the given `controls` plugged in. Args: controls (list[numpy.ndarray]): A list of control fields, defined on the points of :attr:`tlist`. Must be of the same length as :attr:`guess_controls` and :attr:`optimized_controls`. Returns: list[Objective]: A copy of :attr:`objectives`, where all control fields are replaced by the elements of the `controls`. Raises: ValueError: If `controls` does not have the same number controls as :attr:`guess_controls` and :attr:`optimized_controls`, or if any `controls` are not defined on the points of the time grid. See also: For plugging in the optimized controls, the :attr:`optimized_objectives` attribute is equivalent to ``result.objectives_with_controls(result.optimized_controls)``. """ n = len(self.guess_controls) m = len(controls) if n != m: raise ValueError("Expected %d controls, %d given" % (n, m)) for control in controls: try: if len(control) != len(self.tlist): raise ValueError( "controls are not defined on the points of the time " "grid: control has %d values for %d time grid points" % (len(control), len(self.tlist)) ) except TypeError: pass # control is not a numpy array (but maybe a callable) objectives = [] for (i, obj) in enumerate(self.objectives): H = _plug_in_optimized_controls( obj.H, controls, self.controls_mapping[i][0] ) c_ops = [ _plug_in_optimized_controls( c_op, controls, self.controls_mapping[i][j + 1] ) for (j, c_op) in enumerate(obj.c_ops) ] objectives.append( Objective( H=H, initial_state=obj.initial_state,, c_ops=c_ops, ) ) return objectives
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, filename, objectives=None, finalize=False): """Construct :class:`Result` object from a :meth:`dump` file Args: filename (str): The file from which to load the :class:`Result`. Must be in the format created by :meth:`dump`. objectives (None or list[Objective]): If given, after loading :class:`Result` from the given `filename`, overwrite :attr:`objectives` with the given `objectives`. This is necessary because :meth:`dump` does not preserve time-dependent controls that are Python functions. finalize (bool): If given as True, make sure that the :attr:`optimized_controls` are properly finalized. This allows to load a :class:`Result` that was dumped before :func:`.optimize_pulses` finished, e.g. by :func:`.dump_result`. Returns: Result: The :class:`Result` instance loaded from `filename` """ logger = logging.getLogger('krotov') with open(filename, 'rb') as dump_fh: result = pickle.load(dump_fh) if objectives is None: for obj in result.objectives: if _contains_control_placeholders(obj.H) or any( [_contains_control_placeholders(lst) for lst in obj.c_ops] ): logger.warning( "Result.objectives contains control placeholders. " "You should overwrite it by passing `objectives`." ) break # only warn once else: result.objectives = objectives nt = len(result.tlist) for i, control in enumerate(result.optimized_controls): if len(control) == nt: pass # all ok elif len(control) == nt - 1: if finalize: result.optimized_controls[i] = pulse_onto_tlist(control) else: logger.warning( "Result.optimized_controls are not finalized. " "Consider loading with `finalize=True`." ) break # only warn once else: logger.error( "Result.optimized_controls are incongruent with " "Result.tlist" ) break # only warn once return result
[docs] def dump(self, filename): """Dump the :class:`Result` to a binary :mod:`pickle` file. The original :class:`Result` object can be restored from the resulting file using :meth:`load`. However, time-dependent control fields that are callables/functions will not be preserved, as they are not "pickleable". Args: filename (str): Name of file to which to dump the :class:`Result`. """ with open(filename, 'wb') as dump_fh: pickler = pickle.Pickler(dump_fh) pickler.dispatch_table = copyreg.dispatch_table.copy() pickler.dispatch_table[Objective] = _Objective_reduce pickler.dump(self)
def _contains_control_placeholders(lst): if isinstance(lst, list): return any([_contains_control_placeholders(v) for v in lst]) else: return isinstance(lst, _ControlPlaceholder) def _plug_in_optimized_controls(H, controls, mapping): """Auxilliary routine to :attr:`Result.optimized_objectives`""" H = _nested_list_shallow_copy(H) for (control, control_mapping) in zip(controls, mapping): for i in control_mapping: H[i][1] = control return H