Source code for qdyn.analytical_pulse

"""Describing pulses by an analytical formula"""
import json
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from inspect import getfullargspec

import numpy as np

from .linalg import iscomplexobj
from .pulse import Pulse, _PulseConfigAttribs
from .units import UnitConvert, UnitFloat

class _NumpyAwareJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    """JSON Encoder than can handle 1D real numpy arrays by converting them to
    to a special object. The result can be decoded using the
    NumpyAwareJSONDecoder to recover the numpy arrays."""

    def default(self, obj):  # pylint: disable=method-hidden, arguments-differ
        if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray) and obj.ndim == 1:
            return {'type': 'np.' +, 'vals': obj.tolist()}
        elif isinstance(obj, _PulseConfigAttribs):
            d = OrderedDict([])
            for key, val in obj.items():
                d[key] = val
            return d
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

class _SimpleNumpyAwareJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    """JSON Encoder than can handle 1D real numpy arrays by converting them to
    a list. Note that this does NOT allow to recover the original numpy array
    from the JSON data"""

    def default(self, obj):  # pylint: disable=method-hidden, arguments-differ
        if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray) and obj.ndim == 1:
            return obj.tolist()
        elif isinstance(obj, _PulseConfigAttribs):
            d = OrderedDict([])
            for key, val in obj.items():
                d[key] = val
            return d
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

class _NumpyAwareJSONDecoder(json.JSONDecoder):
    """Decode JSON data that hs been encoded with _NumpyAwareJSONEncoder"""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
            self, object_hook=self.dict_to_object, *args, **kargs

    def dict_to_object(self, d):
        """Convert (type, vals) to type(vals) for numpy-array-types"""
        inst = d
        if (len(d) == 2) and ('type' in d) and ('vals' in d):
            typ = d['type']
            vals = d['vals']
            if typ.startswith("np."):
                dtype = typ[3:]
            inst = np.array(vals, dtype=dtype)
        return inst

[docs]class AnalyticalPulse: """Representation of a pulse determined by an analytical formula Args: formula (str): Name of a previously registered formula parameters (dict): Dictionary of values for the pulse formula time_unit (str or None): The unit of the `tgrid` input parameter of the formula (None is equivalent to 'iu') ampl_unit (str or None): Unit in which the amplitude is defined. It is assumed that the formula gives values in the correct unit. t0 (float or str or callable): Start time of the pulse T (float or str or callable or None): End time of the pulse nt (int or str or callable or None): Number of grid points between `t0` and `T` (inclusive) freq_unit (str or None): Preferred unit for pulse spectra. If None, unit will be chose automatically. config_attribs (dict or None): Additional config data, for when generating a QDYN config file section describing the pulse (e.g. `{'oct_shape': 'flattop', 't_rise': '10_ns'}`) Attributes: parameters (dict): Dictionary of values for the pulse formula time_unit (str or None): Value of the `time_unit` arg ampl_unit (str): Value of the `ampl_unit` arg freq_unit (str): Value of the `freq_unit` arg config_attribs ( dictionary with the items from the `config_attribs` arg Notes: The `t0`, `T`, and `nt` may be given to specify a time grid that is used by default when converting to a numerical pulse (:meth:`to_num_pulse`). They may be a numerical value, which will be used directly. Alternatively, they may be a string, which is a key in the `parameters` dict, and the value of the corresponding parameter will be used. Lastly, they may be a callable the receives the entire :class:`AnalyticalPulse` object as its argument and returns and appropriate numerical value. """ _formulas = ( {} ) # formula name => formula callable, see `register_formula()` _allowed_args = {} # formula name => allowed arguments _required_args = {} # formula name => required arguments unit_convert = UnitConvert()
[docs] @classmethod def register_formula(cls, name, formula): """Register a new analytical formula Parameters: name (str): Label for the formula formula (callable): callable that takes an tgrid numpy array and an arbitrary number of (keyword) arguments and returns a numpy array of amplitude values """ argspec = getfullargspec(formula) if len(argspec.args) < 1: raise ValueError( "formula has zero arguments, must take at least " "a tgrid parameter" ) cls._formulas[name] = formula cls._allowed_args[name] = argspec.args[1:] n_opt = 0 if argspec.defaults is not None: n_opt = len(argspec.defaults) cls._required_args[name] = argspec.args[1:-n_opt]
def __init__( self, formula, parameters=None, time_unit=None, ampl_unit=None, t0=0.0, T=None, nt=None, freq_unit=None, config_attribs=None, ): if formula not in self._formulas: raise ValueError("Unknown formula '%s'" % formula) self._formula = formula if parameters is None: parameters = {} self.parameters = parameters self._check_parameters() self.time_unit = time_unit or 'iu' # cannot be None self.ampl_unit = ampl_unit or 'iu' # cannot be None self.freq_unit = freq_unit if freq_unit is None: try: self.freq_unit = Pulse.freq_units[self.time_unit] except KeyError: raise TypeError("freq_unit must be specified") self.config_attribs = _PulseConfigAttribs(self) if config_attribs is not None: for key in config_attribs: self.config_attribs[key] = config_attribs[key] self._t0 = t0 self._T = T self._nt = nt def _get(self, attr): val = getattr(self, attr) if isinstance(val, str): return self.parameters[val] elif callable(val): return val(self) else: return val @property def t0(self): """Time at which the pulse begins (dt/2 before the first point in the pulse), as instance of :class:`~qdyn.units.UnitFloat`. """ t0 = self._get('_t0') if t0 is None: return None else: return UnitFloat(t0, self.time_unit) @property def T(self): """Time at which the pulse ends (dt/2 after the last point in the pulse), as an instance of :class:`~qdyn.units.UnitFloat`. None if T was given as None in initialization. """ T = self._get('_T') if T is None: return None else: return UnitFloat(T, self.time_unit) @property def tgrid(self): """Time grid points for the numerical pulse values, as numpy array in units of :attr:`time_unit`. None if missing `T`, `nt` in initialization. The returned time grid has ``nt - 1`` values, and extends from ``t0 + dt/2`` to ``T - dt/2``, matching the requirements for the `tgrid` argument of :class:`~qdyn.pulse.Pulse`. See also: :attr:`states_tgrid` is the time grid of length ``nt`` from ``t0`` to ``T`` """ try: return np.linspace( float(self.t0 + self.dt / 2), float(self.T - self.dt / 2), self.nt - 1, dtype=np.float64, ) except TypeError: return None @property def states_tgrid(self): """Time grid values for the states propagated under the numerical pulse values, as numpy array in units of :attr:`time_unit`. None if missing `T`, `nt` in initialization. The returned time grid has ``nt`` values, and extends from ``t0`` to ``T`` (inclusive). See also: attr:`tgrid` is the time grid for the numerical pulse values of length ``nt-1``, extending from ``t0 + dt/2`` to ``T - dt/2``. """ try: return np.linspace( float(self.t0), float(self.T), self.nt, dtype=np.float64 ) except TypeError: return None @property def dt(self): """Time grid step, as instance of :class:`~qdyn.units.UnitFloat` None if time grid is not defined (missing T, nt in initialization). """ t0 = self.t0 nt = self.nt T = self.T if T is None or t0 is None or nt is None: return None else: return (T - t0) / (nt - 1) @property def nt(self): """Number of time steps in the time grid between :attr:`t0` and :attr:`T`, as an integer. None if `nt` missing in initialization. Note that this is the length of :attr:`states_tgrid`, not of :attr:`tgrid`. """ nt = self._get('_nt') if nt is None: return None else: return int(nt) @property def w_max(self): """Maximum frequency that can be represented with the current sampling rate. None if time grid is not defined (missing T, nt in initialization). """ try: return self.to_num_pulse().w_max except AttributeError: return None @property def dw(self): """Step width in the spectrum (i.e. the spectral resolution) based on the current pulse duration, as an instance of :class:`~qdyn.units.UnitFloat`. None if time grid is not defined (missing T, nt in initialization). """ try: return self.to_num_pulse().dw except AttributeError: return None
[docs] @classmethod def from_func( cls, func, parameters=None, time_unit=None, ampl_unit=None, t0=0.0, T=None, nt=None, freq_unit=None, config_attribs=None, ): """Instantiate directly from a callable `func`, without the need to register the formula first The callable `func` must fulfill the same requirements as `formula` in :meth:`register_formula` """ name = repr(func) cls.register_formula(name, func) return cls( name, parameters=parameters, time_unit=time_unit, ampl_unit=ampl_unit, t0=t0, T=T, nt=nt, freq_unit=freq_unit, config_attribs=config_attribs, )
@property def is_complex(self): """Is the pulse amplitude of complex type?""" return iscomplexobj( # pylint: disable=not-callable self.evaluate_formula(np.zeros(1), **self.parameters) )
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Compare two pulses, within a precision of 1e-12""" if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False attribs = ( '_formula', '_T', '_t0', '_nt', 'time_unit', 'ampl_unit', 'freq_unit', 'config_attribs', ) for attr in attribs: if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr): return False for key in self.parameters: try: if abs(self.parameters[key] - other.parameters[key]) > 1.0e-12: return False except TypeError: if self.parameters[key] != other.parameters[key]: return False return True
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the analytical pulse""" return self.__class__( self._formula, parameters=self.parameters, time_unit=self.time_unit, ampl_unit=self.ampl_unit, freq_unit=self.freq_unit, config_attribs=self.config_attribs, t0=self._t0, T=self._T, nt=self._nt, )
[docs] def array_to_parameters(self, array, keys=None): """Unpack the given array (numpy array or regular list) into the pulse parameters. This is especially useful for optimizing parameters with the :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize` routine. For each key, set the value of the `parameters[key]` attribute by popping values from the beginning of the array. If `parameters[key]` is an array, pop repeatedly to set every value. If `keys` is not given, all parameter keys are used, in sorted order. The array must contain exactly enough parameters, otherwise an `IndexError` is raised. """ if keys is None: keys = sorted(self.parameters.keys()) array = list(array) for key in keys: if np.isscalar(self.parameters[key]): self.parameters[key] = array.pop(0) else: for i in range(len(self.parameters[key])): self.parameters[key][i] = array.pop(0) if len(array) > 0: raise IndexError("not all values in array placed in parameters")
[docs] def parameters_to_array(self, keys=None): """Inverse method to `array_to_parameters`. Returns the "packed" parameter values for the given keys as a numpy array""" result = [] if keys is None: keys = sorted(self.parameters.keys()) for key in keys: if np.isscalar(self.parameters[key]): result.append(self.parameters[key]) else: for i in range(len(self.parameters[key])): result.append(self.parameters[key][i]) return np.array(result)
def _check_parameters(self): """Raise a ValueError if self.parameters is missing any required parameters for the current formula. Also raise ValueError is self.parameters contains any extra parameters""" formula = self._formula for arg in self._required_args[formula]: if arg not in self.parameters: raise ValueError( ( 'Required parameter "%s" for formula "%s" ' 'not in parameters %s' ) % (arg, formula, self.parameters) ) for arg in self.parameters: if arg not in self._allowed_args[formula]: raise ValueError( ('Parameter "%s" does not exist in formula ' '"%s"') % (arg, formula) ) @property def formula_name(self): """Name of the analytical formula that is used""" return self._formula @property def evaluate_formula(self): """The callable that numerically evaluates the used formula, for arbitrary parameters (keyword arguments)""" return self._formulas[self._formula]
[docs] def as_func(self, allow_args=False): """Callable that evaluates the pulse for a given time value. If `allow_args` is True, the resulting function takes two parameters, `t` and `args` where `t` is a float for the time value at which to evaluate the pulse (in units of :attr:`time_unit`), and `args` is a dictionary that allows to override attr:`parameters`. If `allow_args` is False, the resulting function will only take a single parameter `t`, and evaluate the function for fixed :attr:`parameters`. """ def func(t): tgrid = np.array([t]) ampl = self._formulas[self._formula](tgrid, **self.parameters) return ampl[0] def func_with_args(t, args): tgrid = np.array([t]) ampl = self._formulas[self._formula]( tgrid, **{**self.parameters, **args} # args overrides self.parameters ) return ampl[0] if allow_args: return func_with_args return func
[docs] def to_json(self, pretty=True): """Return a json representation of the pulse""" self._check_parameters() json_opts = { 'indent': None, 'separators': (',', ':'), 'sort_keys': True, } if pretty: json_opts = { 'indent': 2, 'separators': (',', ': '), 'sort_keys': True, } attributes = self.__dict__.copy() for key in ['formula', 't0', 'T', 'nt']: attributes[key] = attributes.pop('_%s' % key) return json.dumps(attributes, cls=_NumpyAwareJSONEncoder, **json_opts)
[docs] def __str__(self): """Return string representation (JSON)""" return self.to_json(pretty=True)
[docs] def write(self, filename, pretty=True): """Write the analytical pulse to the given filename as a json data structure""" with open(filename, 'w') as out_fh: out_fh.write(self.to_json(pretty=pretty))
@property def header(self): """Single line summarizing the pulse. Suitable as preamble for numerical pulse""" result = '# Formula "%s"' % self._formula if len(self.parameters) > 0: result += ' with ' json_opts = { 'indent': None, 'separators': (', ', ': '), 'sort_keys': True, } json_str = json.dumps( self.parameters, cls=_SimpleNumpyAwareJSONEncoder, **json_opts ) result += re.sub(r'"(\w+)": ', r'\1 = ', json_str[1:-1]) return result
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename): """Read in a json data structure and return a new `AnalyticalPulse`""" with open(filename, 'r') as in_fh: kwargs = json.load(in_fh, cls=_NumpyAwareJSONDecoder) pulse = cls(**kwargs) return pulse
[docs] def to_num_pulse( self, tgrid=None, time_unit=None, ampl_unit=None, freq_unit=None ): """Return a :class:`.Pulse` instance that contains the corresponding numerical pulse. Args: tgrid (numpy.ndarray or None): The time grid on which to evaluate the pulse. Use :func:`~qdyn.pulse.pulse_tgrid` to generate this. time_unit (str or None): Unit of `tgrid` ampl_unit (str or None): Unit of pulse amplitude freq_unit (str or None): Unit of pulse frequencies For any missing argument (None value), the corresponding attribute is used. Returns None if `tgrid` is not given explicitly and no time grid was defined on initialization (arguments `T`, `nt`) """ self._check_parameters() if tgrid is None: tgrid = self.tgrid if tgrid is None: return None if time_unit is None: time_unit = self.time_unit if ampl_unit is None: ampl_unit = self.ampl_unit if freq_unit is None: freq_unit = self.freq_unit amplitude = self._formulas[self._formula](tgrid, **self.parameters) if time_unit != self.time_unit: tgrid = self.unit_convert.convert(tgrid, self.time_unit, time_unit) if ampl_unit != self.ampl_unit: amplitude = self.unit_convert.convert( amplitude, self.ampl_unit, ampl_unit ) if not (isinstance(amplitude, np.ndarray) and amplitude.ndim == 1): raise TypeError( ( 'Formula "%s" returned type %s instead of the ' 'required 1-D numpy array' ) % (self._formula, type(amplitude)) ) pulse = Pulse( tgrid=tgrid, amplitude=amplitude, time_unit=time_unit, ampl_unit=ampl_unit, freq_unit=freq_unit, config_attribs=self.config_attribs, ) pulse.preamble = [self.header] return pulse