""" Module containing utilities for managing QDYN config files"""
import base64
import copy
import json
import random
import re
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
import numpy as np
from .units import UnitFloat
def _protect_str_vals(str_line):
r"""Parsing is greatly simplified if it can be assumed that key-value pairs
in the config match the regular expression '\w+\s*=\s*[\w.+-]+'. That is,
the values do not contain spaces, quotes, or escaped characters. This
function replaces values in the given `str_line` by a base-64 string
which is guaranteed to contain only letters and numbers.
str_line (str): Unprotected string to be parsed.
tuple: Tuple containing
(str): Protected (base-64) string.
It is guaranteed to not be shorter than the original string.
(list): List of replacement tuples.
>>> s_in = r'a = "text", '+"b = 'text'"
>>> print(s_in)
a = "text", b = 'text'
>>> s, r = _protect_str_vals(s_in)
>>> print(s)
a = InRleHQi, b = J3RleHQn
>>> print(r)
[('InRleHQi', '"text"'), ('J3RleHQn', "'text'")]
>>> s_in = r'a = this\ is\ an\ unquoted\ string, b = "text"'
>>> print(s_in)
a = this\ is\ an\ unquoted\ string, b = "text"
>>> s, r = _protect_str_vals(s_in)
>>> print(s)
a = dGhpc1wgaXNcIGFuXCB1bnF1b3RlZFwgc3RyaW5n, b = InRleHQi
>>> print(r)
[('InRleHQi', '"text"'), ('dGhpc1wgaXNcIGFuXCB1bnF1b3RlZFwgc3RyaW5n', 'this\\ is\\ an\\ unquoted\\ string')]
# handle quoted strings
rx_dq = re.compile(r'"[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"') # search for ...
rx_sq = re.compile(r"'[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'") # ... balanced quotes
replacements = []
n_replacements = -1
while n_replacements < len(replacements):
n_replacements = len(replacements)
matches = rx_dq.findall(str_line)
for quoted_str in matches:
b64 = (
base64.b64encode(bytes(quoted_str, 'utf8'))
.replace("=", '')
replacements.append((b64, quoted_str))
str_line = str_line.replace(quoted_str, b64)
# handle un-quoted, but escaped strings
rx_escaped_word = re.compile(
# any string of characters that does not include spaces or any
# of the characters ,:!&=\, except when they are escaped (preceded
# by a backslash)
rx_good_word = re.compile(r'^[\w.+-]+$')
for match in rx_escaped_word.finditer(str_line):
word = match.group(0)
if not (rx_good_word.match(word) or (word == '*')):
b64 = (
base64.b64encode(bytes(word, 'utf8'))
.replace("=", '')
replacements.append((b64, word))
str_line = str_line.replace(word, b64)
return str_line, replacements
def _unprotect_str_vals(str_line, replacements):
r"""Inverse to :func:`_protect_str_vals`.
str_line (str): Protected string.
replaements (list): List of replacement tuples.
str: Orginal unprotected string.
>>> s, r = _protect_str_vals(r'a = "text", '+"b = 'text'")
>>> print(_unprotect_str_vals(s, r))
a = "text", b = 'text'
for (b64, quoted_str) in replacements:
str_line = str_line.replace(b64, quoted_str)
result = str_line
for (b64, quoted_str) in replacements:
str_line = str_line.replace(b64, quoted_str)
while result != str_line:
result = str_line
for (b64, quoted_str) in replacements:
str_line = str_line.replace(b64, quoted_str)
return result
def _escape_str(s):
"""Replace special characters in the given string with escape codes.
Surround strings containing spaces with quotes
s (str): String to be parsed.
str: Parsed string with all special characters replaced.
replacements = [
(",", "\\,"),
(":", "\\:"),
("!", "\\!"),
("&", "\\&"),
("=", "\\="),
("\n", "\\n"),
("\r", "\\r"),
("\t", "\\t"),
("\b", "\\b"),
s = str(s)
bs_protect = ''.join([chr(random.randint(33, 127)) for i in range(15)])
while bs_protect in s:
bs_protect = ''.join([chr(random.randint(33, 127)) for i in range(15)])
s = s.replace("\\", bs_protect)
for unescaped, escaped in replacements:
s = s.replace(unescaped, escaped)
if " " in s:
if '"' in s:
s = "'%s'" % s
s = '"%s"' % s
s = s.replace(bs_protect, "\\\\")
return s
def _unescape_str(s):
"""Inverse to :func:`_escape_str`.
s (str): String containing escape codes.
str: Original string with escape codes replaced by the corresponding
special characters.
replacements = [
("\\,", ","),
("\\:", ":"),
("\\!", "!"),
("\\&", "&"),
("\\=", "="),
("\\n", "\n"),
("\\r", "\r"),
("\\t", "\t"),
("\\b", "\b"),
bs_protect = ''.join([chr(random.randint(33, 127)) for i in range(15)])
while bs_protect in s:
bs_protect = ''.join([chr(random.randint(33, 127)) for i in range(15)])
if s.startswith("'") or s.startswith('"'):
s = s[1:]
if s.endswith("'") or s.endswith('"'):
s = s[:-1]
s = s.replace("\\\\", bs_protect)
for escaped, unescaped in replacements:
s = s.replace(escaped, unescaped)
s = s.replace(bs_protect, "\\")
return s
def _val_to_str(val):
"""Convert `val` to a string that can be written directly to the config
val: Input object. `val` needs to have a `__str__()` method.
If `val` is a boolean type, it is converted to 'T' or 'F'.
str: Input object converted to a string.
logical_mapping = {True: 'T', False: 'F'}
if isinstance(val, (bool, np.bool_)):
return logical_mapping[val]
elif isinstance(val, str):
return _escape_str(val)
return str(val)
def _process_raw_lines(raw_lines):
r'''Return an iterator over the "processed" lines of a config file, based
on the given raw lines. The processing of the raw lines consists of
stripping out comments, and combining multiple continued raw lines into a
single processed lines. The returned lines do not have a trailing newline.
raw_lines (iterable): Iterable of a raw list of lines, as they might
appear in a config file. These may contain comments and continuation.
Each line may or may not contain trailing newlines (trailing whitespace
is ignored)
str: Next line to be processed.
>>> config = r"""
... ! the following is a config file for 3 pulses and some custom
... ! data
... pulse: type = gauss, t_FWHM = 1.8, E_0 = 1.0, w_L = 0.2, &
... & oct_shape = flattop, ftrt = 0.2, oct_lambda_a = 100, &
... & oct_increase_factor = 10
... * id = 1, t_0 = 0, oct_outfile = pulse1.dat ! pulse 1
... * id = 2, t_0 = 2.5, oct_outfile = pulse2.dat ! pulse 2
... * id = 3, t_0 = 5, oct_outfile = pulse3.dat ! pulse 3
... user_string: &
... A = "x**2", &
... B = 'B_{"avg"}' ! some "arbitrary" strings
... """
>>> for line in _process_raw_lines(config.splitlines()):
... print(line)
pulse: type = gauss, t_FWHM = 1.8, E_0 = 1.0, w_L = 0.2, oct_shape = flattop, ftrt = 0.2, oct_lambda_a = 100, oct_increase_factor = 10
* id = 1, t_0 = 0, oct_outfile = pulse1.dat
* id = 2, t_0 = 2.5, oct_outfile = pulse2.dat
* id = 3, t_0 = 5, oct_outfile = pulse3.dat
user_string: A = "x**2", B = 'B_{"avg"}'
line_nr = 0
line = ''
raw_lines = iter(raw_lines)
while True:
raw_line = next(raw_lines)
# One iteration of the loop may consume multiple raw_lines (for
# continuations), so we can't just do `for raw_line in raw_lines`
except StopIteration:
# see PEP 479
line_nr += 1
line, replacements = _protect_str_vals(raw_line.strip())
# strip out out comments
line = re.sub('!.*$', '', line).strip()
while line.endswith('&'):
line = line[:-1] # strip out trailing '&' in continued line
line2, replacements2 = _protect_str_vals(next(raw_lines).strip())
line_nr += 1
# strip out comments
line2 = re.sub('!.*$', '', line2).strip()
# strip out leading '&' in continuing line
if line2.startswith('&') and len(line2) > 1:
line2 = line2[1:]
line += line2
line = _unprotect_str_vals(line, replacements)
if len(line) == 0:
yield line
def _split_config_line(line, linewidth):
"""Split the given line into a multi-line string of continued lines, trying
to keep the length of each line under `linewidth`. Trailing newlines in
`line` are ignored.
line (str): Input string containing a single (continued) line from a
config file.
linewidth (int): Maximum line width.
str: Multi-line version of `line` wrapped to have a length smaller than
`linewdith` and with preceding and trailing newlines.
full_line, replacements = _protect_str_vals(line.strip())
if len(full_line) == 0:
return "\n"
rx_item = re.compile(r'(\w+\s*=\s*[\w.+-]+\s*,?\s*)')
parts = [part for part in rx_item.split(full_line) if len(part) > 0]
current_line = ''
lines = []
while len(parts) > 0:
current_line += parts.pop(0)
while len(current_line) + len(parts[0]) <= linewidth - 1:
current_line += parts.pop(0)
except IndexError:
pass # We've exhausted all parts
if len(parts) > 0:
current_line += '&'
current_line = _unprotect_str_vals(current_line, replacements)
current_line = ' ' # indent for continuing line
return "\n".join(lines) + "\n"
def _render_config_lines(section_name, section_data):
r"""Render `section_data` into a list of lines.
section_name (str): Name of the section that shall be rendered.
section_data (dict): Config data for the given `section_name`.
list: List of strings each containing a formatted config file lines for
the given section.
>>> section_data = [
... OrderedDict([
... ('type', 'gauss'),
... ('t_FWHM', UnitFloat.from_str('1.8_ns')),
... ('E_0', UnitFloat.from_str('1_GHz')),
... ('id', 1), ('oct_outfile', 'pulse1.dat')]),
... OrderedDict([
... ('type', 'gauss'),
... ('t_FWHM', UnitFloat.from_str('1.8_ns')),
... ('E_0', UnitFloat.from_str('1_GHz')),
... ('id', 2), ('oct_outfile', 'pulse2.dat')])
... ]
>>> for line in _render_config_lines('pulse', section_data):
... print(line)
pulse: type = gauss, t_FWHM = 1.8_ns, E_0 = 1_GHz
* id = 1, oct_outfile = pulse1.dat
* id = 2, oct_outfile = pulse2.dat
# Passing `section_name` and `section_data` separately (instead of a full
# `config_data` dict) allows this routine to be used for creating multiple
# "blocks" of the same section, each with a different "label"
lines = []
if isinstance(section_data, list):
# section name and common items
if len(section_data) > 1:
common_items = dict(
*[set(d.items()) for d in section_data[1:]]
common_items = {}
line = "%s:" % section_name
for key in section_data[0]:
# we *do not* iterate over keys in common_items, so that items
# are ordered the same as in section_data[0], instead of randomly
if key in common_items:
if key == 'label' and common_items[key] == '':
line += " %s = %s," % (key, _val_to_str(common_items[key]))
if line.endswith(","):
# item lines
for item_line in section_data:
line = "*"
for key in item_line:
if key not in common_items:
if key == 'label' and item_line[key] == '':
line += " %s = %s," % (key, _val_to_str(item_line[key]))
if line.endswith(","):
else: # section does not contain item lines, but key-value pairs only
line = "%s:" % section_name
for key in section_data:
line += " %s = %s," % (key, _val_to_str(section_data[key]))
return lines
def _item_rxs(section_name=''):
logical_mapping = {
'T': True,
'true': True,
'.true.': True,
'F': False,
'false': False,
'.false.': False,
item_rxs = []
if not section_name.startswith('user_'):
lambda v: _unescape_str(v),
) # label is always a string!
if section_name == 'user_reals' or not section_name.startswith('user_'):
lambda v: UnitFloat.from_str(v),
if section_name == 'user_ints' or not section_name.startswith('user_'):
(?P<key>\w+) \s*=\s* (?P<value>
[+-]? (0 | [1-9]\d*) # leading zero not allowed
lambda v: int(v),
if section_name == 'user_reals' or not section_name.startswith('user_'):
(?P<key>\w+) \s*=\s* (?P<value>
[+-]? (
\d+\.\d+([Ee][+-]?\d+)? | # 1.0, 1.0e5 (exponent optional)
\d+[Ee][+-]?\d+ # 1e-5 (exponent required)
lambda v: float(v),
if section_name == 'user_logicals' or not section_name.startswith('user_'):
lambda v: logical_mapping[v],
lambda v: _unescape_str(v),
return item_rxs
[docs]def read_config_fh(fh):
"""Equivalent to ``read_config_str(fh.read())``"""
return _read_config_lines(_process_raw_lines(fh))
[docs]def read_config_file(filename):
"""Equivalent to ``read_config_str(open(filename).read())``"""
with open(filename) as in_fh:
return _read_config_lines(_process_raw_lines(in_fh))
[docs]def read_config_str(config_str):
"""Parse the multi-line string containing the contents of a config file,
and return a nested data structure of the config file data.
Return an ordered dictionary containing the following mapping::
section name => dict(key => value)
section name => list of dicts(key => value)
return _read_config_lines(_process_raw_lines(config_str.splitlines()))
def _read_config_lines(lines):
"""Parse an iterable of lines and return the nested config data structure
(see :func:`read_config_str`)
`lines` must not contain comments or continuations
rx_sec = re.compile(
(?P<section>[a-z_A-Z]+) \s*:\s*
(\w+ \s*=\s* [\w.+-]+ [\s,]+)*
(\w+ \s*=\s* [\w.+-]+ \s*)
rx_itemline = re.compile(
\* \s+
(\w+ \s*=\s* [\w.+-]+ [\s,]+)*
(\w+ \s*=\s* [\w.+-]+ \s*)
rx_item = re.compile(r'(\w+\s*=\s*[\w.+-]+)')
# we need to make two passes over lines, so we may have to convert an
# iterator to a list
lines = list(lines)
config_data = OrderedDict([])
# first pass: identify sections, list of lines in each section
current_section = ''
for line in lines:
line, replacements = _protect_str_vals(line)
m_sec = rx_sec.match(line)
m_itemline = rx_itemline.match(line)
if m_sec:
current_section = m_sec.group('section')
if current_section not in config_data:
config_data[current_section] = OrderedDict([])
elif m_itemline:
if isinstance(config_data[current_section], OrderedDict):
config_data[current_section] = []
# second pass: set items
current_section = ''
current_itemline = defaultdict(int) # section => index
item_rxs = _item_rxs(current_section)
for line in lines:
line, replacements = _protect_str_vals(line)
m_sec = rx_sec.match(line)
if m_sec:
current_section = m_sec.group('section')
item_rxs = _item_rxs(current_section)
m_itemline = rx_itemline.match(line)
line_items = OrderedDict([])
for item in rx_item.findall(line):
matched = False
for rx, setter in item_rxs:
m = rx.match(item)
if m:
val = _unprotect_str_vals(m.group('value'), replacements)
line_items[m.group('key')] = setter(val)
matched = True
if not matched:
raise ValueError("Could not parse item '%s'" % str(item))
if m_sec:
if isinstance(config_data[current_section], OrderedDict):
i_item_line = current_itemline[current_section]
for line_dict in config_data[current_section][i_item_line:]:
elif m_itemline:
i_item_line = current_itemline[current_section]
current_itemline[current_section] += 1
raise ValueError("Could not parse line '%s'" % line)
return config_data
[docs]def write_config(config_data, filename):
"""Write out a config file
config_data (dict): data structure as returned by
filename (str): name of file to which to write config
with open(filename, 'w') as out_fh:
[docs]def config_data_to_str(config_data):
"""Inverse of :func:`read_config_str`"""
lines = []
for section in config_data:
if isinstance(config_data[section], list):
label_groups = OrderedDict([])
for itemline in config_data[section]:
label = itemline.get('label')
if label not in label_groups:
label_groups[label] = []
for group in label_groups.values():
lines.extend(_render_config_lines(section, group))
lines.extend(_render_config_lines(section, config_data[section]))
result = ''
for line in lines[:-1]: # we ignore the trailing blank line
result += _split_config_line(line, 80)
return result
[docs]def get_config_value(config_data, key_tuple):
"""Extract value from `config_data` by the given `key_tuple`
config_data (dict): data structure as returned by
key_tuple (tuple): tuple of keys. For example if `key_tuple` is
``('pulse', 0, 'id')``, then the returned value would be
ValueError: if any of the keys in `key_tuple` are invalid or cannot be
key = key_tuple[0]
except IndexError:
raise ValueError("key_tuple must be a with at least one element")
val = config_data[key]
for key in key_tuple[1:]:
val = val[key]
except (TypeError, IndexError) as exc_info:
raise ValueError("Invalid key '%s': %s" % (key, str(exc_info)))
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Invalid key '%s'" % (key,))
return val
[docs]def get_config_user_value(config_data, key):
"""Return the value of a user-defined key in the config file (in the
``user_strings``, ``user_reals``, ``user_logicals``, or `user_ints``
section). Return the first value found in any of the above sections, as the
type corresponding to the section where the key was found. Raise a
`KeyError` if `key` does not exist in any of the user-defined sections
logical_mapping = {
'T': True,
'true': True,
'.true.': True,
'F': False,
'false': False,
'.false.': False,
user_sections = [
('user_strings', str),
('user_reals', float),
('user_logicals', lambda v: logical_mapping.get(v, v)),
('user_ints', int),
for section, convert in user_sections:
return convert(get_config_value(config_data, (section, key)))
except ValueError:
raise KeyError("No user-defined key '%s'" % key)
[docs]def set_config_value(config_data, key_tuple, value):
"""Set a value in `config_data`, cf. `get_config_value`. The key that is
set must already exist in `config_data`"""
if len(key_tuple) < 2:
raise ValueError("key_tuple must have at least two elements")
item = config_data[key_tuple[0]]
for key in key_tuple[1:-1]:
item = item[key]
item[key_tuple[-1]] = value
except (TypeError, IndexError) as exc_info:
raise ValueError("Invalid key '%s': %s" % (key, str(exc_info)))
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Invalid key '%s'" % (key,))
[docs]def set_config_user_value(config_data, key, value):
"""Set a user-defined value in the config file. The `value` must be an
instance of `str`, `float`, `bool`, or `int`, and it will be set for the
given `key` in the corresponding section ``user_strings``, ``user_reals``,
``user_loigcals``, or ``user_ints``. This routine may be used to add *new*
user-defined data to `config_data`; a missing user-defined section will be
created as necessary.
user_sections = [
('user_strings', str),
('user_reals', float),
('user_logicals', bool), # isinstance(False, int) is True, ...
('user_ints', int), # ... so the order is important here
for section_name, section_type in user_sections:
if isinstance(value, section_type):
if section_name not in config_data:
config_data[section_name] = OrderedDict([])
config_data[section_name][key] = value
raise TypeError("value must be of type str, float, int, or bool")
[docs]def generate_make_config(
config_template, variables, dependencies=None, checks=None
r'''Generate a routine, e.g. `make_config`, that may be used to generate
config file data based on the given template.
config_template (dict): data structure as returned by
:func:`read_config_str` that will serve as a template
variables (dict): mapping of a keyword variable name to a key-tuple
in the config (cf. :func:`set_config_value`)
dependencies (dict): mapping of a key-tuple to a callable that
calculates a value for that entry in the config file.
checks (dict): mapping of a keyword variable name to a callable that
checks whether a given value is acceptable.
>>> config_template = read_config_str(r"""
... pulse: type = gauss, t_FWHM = 1.8, E_0 = 1.0, w_L = 0.2, &
... & oct_shape = flattop, ftrt = 0.2, oct_lambda_a = 100, &
... & oct_increase_factor = 10
... * id = 1, t_0 = 0, oct_outfile = pulse1.dat ! pulse 1
... * id = 2, t_0 = 2.5, oct_outfile = pulse2.dat ! pulse 2
... * id = 3, t_0 = 5, oct_outfile = pulse3.dat ! pulse 3""")
>>> make_config = generate_make_config(config_template,
... variables={'E_0': ('pulse', 0, 'E_0'), },
... dependencies={
... ('pulse', 1, 'E_0'): lambda kwargs: kwargs['E_0'],
... ('pulse', 2, 'E_0'): lambda kwargs: kwargs['E_0']},
... checks={'E_0': lambda val: val >= 0.0})
>>> print(make_config.__doc__)
Generate config file data (``config_data``) based on the given keyword parameters.
Keyword Arguments:
E_0: Set ``config_data['pulse'][0]['E_0']`` (default: 1.0)
Also, the following will be set to values that depend on the given keyword arguments:
* ``config_data['pulse'][0]['E_0']``
* ``config_data['pulse'][0]['E_0']``
If called without arguments, data equivalent to the following config file is returned::
pulse: type = gauss, t_FWHM = 1.8, E_0 = 1.0, w_L = 0.2, oct_shape = flattop, &
ftrt = 0.2, oct_lambda_a = 100, oct_increase_factor = 10
* id = 1, t_0 = 0, oct_outfile = pulse1.dat
* id = 2, t_0 = 2.5, oct_outfile = pulse2.dat
* id = 3, t_0 = 5, oct_outfile = pulse3.dat
TypeError: if an invalid keyword is passed.
ValueError: if any value fails to pass checks.
>>> config = make_config(E_0=0.1)
>>> print(config_data_to_str(config))
pulse: type = gauss, t_FWHM = 1.8, E_0 = 0.1, w_L = 0.2, oct_shape = flattop, &
ftrt = 0.2, oct_lambda_a = 100, oct_increase_factor = 10
* id = 1, t_0 = 0, oct_outfile = pulse1.dat
* id = 2, t_0 = 2.5, oct_outfile = pulse2.dat
* id = 3, t_0 = 5, oct_outfile = pulse3.dat
if dependencies is None:
dependencies = {}
if checks is None:
checks = {}
defaults = {}
for varname, key_tuple in variables.items():
defaults[varname] = get_config_value(config_template, key_tuple)
for key_tuple in dependencies.keys():
# rely on get_config_value to throw Exception for invalid key_tuple
get_config_value(config_template, key_tuple)
def make_config(**kwargs):
"""Generate config file data"""
config_data = copy.deepcopy(config_template)
for varname in defaults:
if varname not in kwargs:
kwargs[varname] = defaults[varname]
for varname, value in kwargs.items():
if varname not in variables:
raise TypeError(
"Got unexpected keyword argument '%s'. "
"Valid keyword arguments are: %s"
% (varname, ", ".join(variables.keys()))
if varname in checks:
if not checks[varname](value):
raise ValueError(
"Value %s for '%s' does not pass check"
% (value, varname)
key_tuple = variables[varname]
set_config_value(config_data, key_tuple, value)
for key_tuple, eval_dependency in dependencies.items():
value = eval_dependency(kwargs)
set_config_value(config_data, key_tuple, value)
return config_data
# Set the docstring of `make_config`
make_config.__doc__ = (
"Generate config file data (``config_data``) "
"based on the given keyword parameters.\n\n"
make_config.__doc__ += "Keyword Arguments:\n"
for varname in variables:
make_config.__doc__ += " %s: Set ``%s`` (default: %s)\n" % (
+ ''.join(["[%s]" % repr(k) for k in variables[varname]]),
make_config.__doc__ += (
"\nAlso, the following will be set to values "
"that depend on the given keyword arguments:\n\n"
for key_tuple in dependencies:
make_config.__doc__ += (
"* ``config_data"
+ ''.join(["[%s]" % repr(k) for k in variables[varname]])
+ "``\n"
make_config.__doc__ += (
"\nIf called without arguments, data equivalent "
"to the following config file is returned::"
"\n\n "
+ "\n ".join(config_data_to_str(make_config()).splitlines())
make_config.__doc__ += "\n\nRaises:\n"
make_config.__doc__ += " TypeError: if an invalid keyword is passed.\n"
if len(checks) > 0:
make_config.__doc__ += (
" ValueError: if any value fails to " "pass checks.\n"
return make_config
[docs]def get_config_structure(def_f90, outfile='new_config_structure.json'):
"""Get a dumped .json-file with all the allowed section names and
correspondig items of the new config structure genereated by reading the
'para_t' type in the def.f90 file
config_structure = {}
# Local regular expression filters
rx = {
'get_pt_type': re.compile(r'^type\s*\((?P<sec_name>[^\s]\w+)_pt\).*$'),
'start_pt_sec': re.compile(r'^type\s+(?P<sec_name>[^\s]\w+)_pt\s*$'),
'get_pt_item': re.compile(r'^.+::\s*(?P<item_name>.+)$'),
# First pass: Get all *_pt sections in para_t
config_sec_list = []
in_para_t = False
file = open(def_f90)
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
m = re.compile(r'^type\s+para_t\s*$').match(line)
if m:
in_para_t = True
m = re.compile(r'^end\s*type\s+para_t\s*$').match(line)
if m:
in_para_t = False
if in_para_t:
m = rx['get_pt_type'].match(line)
if m:
sec_name = m.group('sec_name').strip()
if sec_name == 'user':
# Second pass: Get all allowed items from the *_pt type definitions
in_pt_sec = False
sec_name = ''
file = open(def_f90)
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
if in_pt_sec:
m = re.compile(r'^end\s*type\s+(\w+)_pt$').match(line)
if m:
in_pt_sec = False
m = rx['start_pt_sec'].match(line)
if m:
if in_pt_sec:
raise AssertionError("Couldn't find end of last *_pt section")
in_pt_sec = True
sec_name = m.group('sec_name')
if in_pt_sec and sec_name in config_sec_list:
if sec_name not in config_structure:
config_structure[sec_name] = []
m = rx['get_pt_item'].match(line)
if m:
# Write to file
with open(outfile, 'w') as fh_out:
json_opts = {'indent': 2, 'separators': (',', ': '), 'sort_keys': True}
fh_out.write(json.dumps(config_structure, **json_opts))