Source code for qdyn.linalg

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Linear algebra helper routines"""
import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import scipy.sparse

[docs]def inner(v1, v2): """Calculate the inner product of the two vectors or matrices `v1`, `v2`. * For vectors, the inner product is the standard Euclidian inner product. * For matrices, the innner product is the Hilbert-Schmidt overlap. Note that the inner product of the vectorization of two matrices is the same as the inner product of the original matrices, and that two m x 1 matrices have the same inner product as the corresponding m-dimensional vectors. The `inner` routine corresponds to `overlap` in QDYN. Args: v1 (numpy.ndarray): First argument. The conjugate transposed of `v1` is taken before the calculation of the inner product. v2 (numpy.ndarray): Second argument. Returns: float: Inner product of `v1` and `v2`. Examples: >>> v1 = np.array([1.0, 1.0j, 1.0, 1.0j]) >>> v2 = np.array([1.0j, 1.0j, 1.0j, 1.0j]) >>> inner(v1, v2) (2+2j) >>> m1 = v1.reshape((2,2)) >>> m2 = v2.reshape((2,2)) >>> inner(m1, m2) (2+2j) >>> m1 = v1.reshape((4,1)) >>> m2 = v2.reshape((4,1)) >>> inner(m1, m2) (2+2j) >>> m1 = v1.reshape((4,1), order='F') >>> m2 = v2.reshape((4,1), order='F') >>> inner(m1, m2) (2+2j) >>> m1 = v1.reshape((1,4), order='F') >>> m2 = v2.reshape((1,4), order='F') >>> inner(m1, m2) (2+2j) """ assert type(v1) is type( v2 ), "v1 and v2 must be of the same type: types are %s vs %s" % ( type(v1), type(v2), ) assert isinstance(v1, np.ndarray), "v1, v2 must be 1D/2D numpy arrays" assert len(v1.shape) <= 2, "v1, v2 must be matrix or vector" if len(v1.shape) == 1: # vector return np.vdot(v1, v2) else: # matrix as 2D array return trace(v1.conjugate().transpose() @ v2)
[docs]def trace(m): """Return the trace of the given matrix. Args: m (list, numpy.ndarray): Input array from which the diagonals are taken. Returns: float: If `m` is a matrix, the sum along the diagonal is returned. If `m` has larger dimensions, then an array of sums along diagonals is returned. """ return (np.asarray(m)).trace()
[docs]def norm(v): """Calculate the norm of a vector or matrix `v`, matching the inner product defined in the `inner` routine. An algorithm like Gram-Schmidt-Orthonormalization will only work if the choice of norm and inner product are compatible. * If `v` is a vector, the norm is the 2-norm (i.e. the standard Euclidian vector norm). * If `v` is a matrix, the norm is the Hilbert-Schmidt (aka Frobenius) norm. Note that the HS norm of a matrix is identical to the 2-norm of any vectorization of that matrix (e.g. writing the columns of the matrix underneat each other). Also, the HS norm of the m x 1 matrix is the same as the 2-norm of the equivalent m-dimensional vector. Args: v (numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix, qutip.Qobj): Input vector or matrix. Returns: float: Norm of `v`. """ if repr(v).startswith('Quantum object'): # qutip.Qobj v = if isinstance(v, scipy.sparse.spmatrix): return scipy.sparse.linalg.norm(v) else: return scipy.linalg.norm(v)
[docs]def vectorize(a, order='F'): """Return vectorization of multi-dimensional array `a`. Args: a (list, numpy.ndarray, qutip.Qobj): Array to be vectorized. order (str): One of 'C', 'F', 'A'. Read the elements of `a` using this index order, and place the elements into the reshaped array using this index order. 'C' means to read / write the elements using C-like index order, with the last axis index changing fastest, back to the first axis index changing slowest. 'F' means to read / write the elements using Fortran-like index order, with the first index changing fastest, and the last index changing slowest. Note that the 'C' and 'F' options take no account of the memory layout of the underlying array, and only refer to the order of indexing. 'A' means to read / write the elements in Fortran-like index order if `a` is Fortran *contiguous* in memory, C-like order otherwise. Returns: numpy.ndarray: The input array, but with all or `a` subset of the dimensions of length 1 removed. This is always `a` itself or a view into `a`. Examples: >>> a = np.array([1,2,3,4]) >>> vectorize(a) array([1, 2, 3, 4]) >>> a = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) >>> vectorize(a) array([1, 3, 2, 4]) >>> vectorize(a, order='C') array([1, 2, 3, 4]) """ if repr(a).startswith('Quantum object'): # qutip.Qobj a = N = a.size return np.squeeze(np.asarray(a).reshape((1, N), order=order))
[docs]def is_hermitian(matrix): """Check, if a matrix is Hermitian. `matrix` can be a numpy array, a scipy sparse matrix, or a `qutip.Qobj` instance. Args: matrix (list, numpy.ndarray, qutip.Qobj): Input array. Returns: bool: Returns `True` if matrix is Hermitian, `False` otherwise. Examples: >>> m = np.array([[0, 1j], [-1j, 1]]) >>> is_hermitian(m) True >>> m = np.array([[0, 1j], [-1j, 1j]]) >>> is_hermitian(m) False >>> m = np.array([[0, -1j], [-1j, 1]]) >>> is_hermitian(m) False >>> from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix >>> m = coo_matrix(np.array([[0, 1j], [-1j, 0]])) >>> is_hermitian(m) True """ if hasattr(matrix, 'isherm'): # qutip.Qobj return matrix.isherm else: # any numpy matrix/array or scipy sparse matrix) # pylint: disable=simplifiable-if-statement if (abs(matrix - matrix.conjugate().transpose())).max() < 1e-14: # If we were to "simplify the if statement" and return the above # expression directly, we might get an instance of numpy.bool_ # instead of the builtin bool that we want. return True else: return False
[docs]def iscomplexobj(x): """Check whether the (multidimensional `x` object) has a type that allows for complex entries. Args: x: Multidimensional array like object. Returns: bool: Returns `True`, if `x` allows for complex entries, `False` otherwise. Examples: >>> iscomplexobj(1) False >>> iscomplexobj(1+0j) True >>> iscomplexobj([3, 1+0j, True]) True >>> iscomplexobj(np.array([3, 1j])) True >>> iscomplexobj(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix([[1, 2], [4, 5]])) False >>> iscomplexobj(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix([[1, 2], [4, 5j]])) True """ # This is a workaround for numpy bug #7924. It also works for qutip objects try: dtype = x.dtype except AttributeError: try: # qutip.Qobj dtype = except AttributeError: dtype = np.asarray(x).dtype try: return issubclass(dtype.type, np.core.numeric.complexfloating) except AttributeError: return False
[docs]def choose_sparsity_model(matrix): """Estimate which might be the best storage format for the given matrix. Args: matrix (numpy.matrix, scipy.sparse.spmatrix, qutip.Qobj): Input matrix, which must be quadratic. Returns: str: Returns one of 'full', 'banded', 'dia', or 'indexed'. Examples: >>> m = scipy.sparse.random(100, 100, 0.01) >>> choose_sparsity_model(m) 'indexed' >>> m = scipy.sparse.random(100, 100, 0.5) >>> choose_sparsity_model(m) 'full' >>> m = np.diag(np.ones(20)) >>> choose_sparsity_model(m) 'banded' >>> m = np.diag(np.zeros(20)) >>> m[2,2] = m[10,10] = m[11,11] = 1 >>> choose_sparsity_model(m) 'indexed' >>> td_data = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4]]).repeat(3, axis=0) >>> off = np.array([0, -1, 1]) >>> m = scipy.sparse.dia_matrix((td_data,off), shape=(5,5)).toarray() >>> choose_sparsity_model(m) # should eventually be 'dia' 'indexed' >>> m = scipy.sparse.dia_matrix((td_data,off), shape=(20,20)).toarray() >>> m[19,19] = 1 >>> choose_sparsity_model(m) 'indexed' """ if repr(matrix).startswith('Quantum object'): # qutip.Qobj matrix = n, m = matrix.shape assert n == m size = n * m with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("error") try: dia_matrix = scipy.sparse.dia_matrix(matrix) if len( == 1: # diagonal matrix nnz = ( != 0).sum() if nnz < n / 4: return 'indexed' else: return 'banded' elif len( <= 5: nnz = ( != 0).sum() if nnz < / 4: return 'indexed' else: # return 'dia' # 'dia' is not yet fully implemented in QDYN return 'indexed' except scipy.sparse.SparseEfficiencyWarning: pass # continue on to coo_matrix coo_matrix = scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(matrix) if coo_matrix.nnz <= size / 10: return 'indexed' else: return 'full'
[docs]def triu(matrix): """Return the upper triangle of the given `matrix`. * If `matrix' is a numpy object or scipy sparse matrix, the returned matrix will have the same type as the input `matrix`. * If `matrix` is a QuTiP operator, the type is *not* preserved: the result is equivalent to ``triu(``. Args: matrix (numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix, qutip.Qobj): Input array. Returns: numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix: Return a copy of the matrix with the elements below the diagonal zeroed. Raises: TypeError: If `matrix` has an invalid type. """ if repr(matrix).startswith('Quantum object'): # qutip.Qobj matrix = if isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray): return np.triu(matrix) elif isinstance(matrix, scipy.sparse.spmatrix): return scipy.sparse.triu(matrix) else: raise TypeError( "matrix must be numpy object, sparse matrix, or " "QuTiP operator" )
[docs]def tril(matrix): """Return the lower triangle of the given `matrix`. * If `matrix' is a numpy object or scipy sparse matrix, the returned matrix will have the same type as the input `matrix`. * If `matrix` is a QuTiP operator, the type is *not* preserved: the result is equivalent to ``tril(``. Args: matrix (numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix, qutip.Qobj): Input array. Returns: numpy.ndarray, scipy.sparse.spmatrix: Return a copy of the matrix with the elements above the diagonal zeroed. Raises: TypeError: If `matrix` has an invalid type. """ if repr(matrix).startswith('Quantum object'): # qutip.Qobj matrix = if isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray): return np.tril(matrix) elif isinstance(matrix, scipy.sparse.spmatrix): return scipy.sparse.tril(matrix) else: raise TypeError( "matrix must be numpy object, sparse matrix, or QuTiP operator" )
[docs]def banded_to_full(banded, n, kl, ku, mode): """Convert a rectangular matrix in the Lapack "banded" format ( into a (square) full matrix. Args: banded (numpy.ndarray): Rectangular matrix in banded format n (int): The dimension of the (full) matrix kl (int): The number of lower diagonals (kl=0 for diagonal/upper-triangular matrix) ku (int): The number of upper diagonals (ku=0 for diagonal/lower-triangular matrix) mode (str): On of 'g', 'h', 's', 't' corresponding to "general", "Hermitian", "symmetric", and 'triangular'. The values 'g' and 's' are dequivalent, except that for 's' iether kl or ku must be zero. For Hermitian or symmetric storage, exactly one of `kl`, `ku` must be zero. Which one determines whether `banded` is assumed to contain the data for the upper or lower triangle Returns: numpy.ndarray: Numpy array of same type as `banded`. """ full = np.zeros(shape=(n, n), dtype=banded.dtype) if mode in ['g', 't']: if mode == 't': assert kl == 0 or ku == 0 for j in range(n): for i in range(max(0, j - ku), min(n, j + kl + 1)): full[i, j] = banded[ku + i - j, j] else: # Hermitian or symmetric if kl == 0: # upper triangle kd = ku for j in range(n): for i in range(max(0, j - kd), j + 1): full[i, j] = banded[kd + i - j, j] if i != j: if mode == 'h': full[j, i] = banded[kd + i - j, j].conjugate() elif mode == 's': full[j, i] = banded[kd + i - j, j] else: raise ValueError("Invalid mode %s" % mode) elif ku == 0: # lower triangle kd = kl for j in range(n): for i in range(j, min(n, j + kd + 1)): full[i, j] = banded[i - j, j] if i != j: if mode == 'h': full[j, i] = banded[i - j, j].conjugate() elif mode == 's': full[j, i] = banded[i - j, j] else: raise ValueError("Invalid mode %s" % mode) else: raise ValueError( "For mode %s, either kl or ku must be zero" % mode ) return full