Source code for qdyn.testing

"""Auxilliary routines for testing either the QDYN python package or the QDYN
Fortran library"""
import os
import re
import subprocess
from distutils import dir_util
from pathlib import Path


[docs]def qdyn_feature(configure_log, feature): """Check whether QDYN was configured with the given feature (e.g. 'use_mpi', 'no-parallel-oct', ect), given the path to configure.log""" if feature not in FEATURES: raise ValueError( "Unknown feature: %s. Valid features are: %s" % (feature, ", ".join(FEATURES)) ) with open(configure_log) as in_fh: for line in in_fh: if 'no-%s' % feature in line: return False elif feature in line: return True return False
[docs]def get_mpi_implementation(configure_log): """Return the name of the MPI implementation that QDYN was configured with (e.g. 'openmpi', or None if QDYN was compiled without MPI support""" with open(configure_log) as in_fh: for line in in_fh: if 'use-mpi' in line: m ='use-mpi=(\w+)', line) if m: implementation = return implementation return None
[docs]def get_qdyn_compiler(configure_log): """Return the name the Fortran compiler that QDYN was compiled with""" with open(configure_log) as in_fh: for line in in_fh: if line.startswith("FC"): m ='FC\s*:\s*(.*)', line) if m: fc = return fc return None
[docs]def mpirun(cmd, procs=1, implementation='openmpi', hostfile=None): """Return a modified `cmd` that runs the given `cmd` (list) using MPI. If `hostfile` is given, it will be overwritten and used in such a manner as to force the use of the given number of processes. Args: cmd (list): list of command args, cf. `` procs (int): Number of MPI processes that should be used implementation (str): name of MPI implementation hostfile (str): Path to file that should be used as a "hostfile", forcing MPI to use the specified number of processes even if the MPI environment would not ordinarily allow for it. """ if implementation is None: return cmd elif implementation in ['openmpi', 'intel']: new_cmd = ['mpirun', '-n', str(procs)] if implementation == 'openmpi' and hostfile is not None: hostfile = os.path.abspath(hostfile) with (open(hostfile, 'w')) as out_fh: out_fh.write("localhost slots=%d\n" % procs) new_cmd += ['--hostfile', hostfile] new_cmd += cmd return new_cmd else: raise ValueError("Unknown MPI implementation: %s" % implementation)
[docs]def datadir(tmpdir, request): """Proto-fixture responsible for searching a folder with the same name as a test module and, if available, moving all contents to a temporary directory so tests can use them freely. """ filename = request.module.__file__ test_dir, _ = os.path.splitext(filename) if os.path.isdir(test_dir): dir_util.copy_tree(test_dir, str(tmpdir)) return str(tmpdir)
[docs]def make_qdyn_utility(util='qdyn_prop_traj', procs=1, threads=1): """Generate a proto-fixture to wrap around the tiven `util`. Returns a callable that takes any numer of positional `args` and any number of `kwargs`, such that calling it is equivalent to ::[cmd, *args], **kwargs) where ``cmd`` is the absolute path of the compiled QDYN utility (in the ``utils`` subfolder of the project root, found by traversing up from the directory in which the test is defined). If `procs` > 1 and QDYN was compiled with MPI support, then ``cmd`` will be ``mpirun`` (or an equivalent suitable MPI runner based on how QDYN was compiled), to run `procs` simultaneous copies of the `util`. If `threads` is > 1, the program will run with multiple OpenMP threads, by setting the ``OMP_NUM_THREADS`` environment variable. The `util` will also use the development units file by setting ``QDYN_UNITS`` to the ``units_file`` folder in the project root. """ def qdyn_utility(request, tmpdir): """Wrapper for the {util} utility""".format(util=util) test_module = Path(request.module.__file__) root_dir = test_module.parent.absolute() while len( > 1: # go to filesystem root root_dir = root_dir.parent if (root_dir / 'qdyn.f90').is_file(): break units_files = root_dir / 'units_files' if not units_files.is_dir(): raise IOError(f"Cannot find units_files folder in {root_dir}") configure_log = root_dir / 'configure.log' if not configure_log.is_file(): raise IOError(f"Cannot find configure.log folder in {root_dir}") mpi_implementation = get_mpi_implementation(configure_log) exe = root_dir / 'utils' / util if not exe.is_file(): raise IOError(f"Cannot find executable {exe}") cmds = [str(exe)] if (mpi_implementation is not None) and (procs > 1): cmds = mpirun( cmds, procs=procs, implementation=mpi_implementation, hostfile=str(tmpdir.join('hostfile')), ) def run_cmd(*args, **kwargs): env = kwargs.get('env', os.environ.copy()) if 'QDYN_UNITS' not in env: env['QDYN_UNITS'] = units_files if 'OMP_NUM_THREADS' not in env: env['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = str(threads) kwargs['env'] = env return[*cmds, *args], **kwargs) return run_cmd return qdyn_utility