Routines for mu in krotov.optimize.optimize_pulses()
The first-order Krotov update equation is usually written as
where \(\ket{\chi_k}\) are states backward-propagated from a boundary condition determined by the functional, \(\ket{\phi_k}\) are forward-propagated from the initial states, and \(\frac{\partial \Op{H}}{\partial \epsilon}\) is the derivative of the Hamiltonian with respect to the field. However, this is true only for Hilbert-space states evolving under a Schrödinger equation.
More generally (e.g. when the states \(\chi_k\) and \(\phi_k\) are density matrices and the equation of motion is the master equation in Lindblad form), the correct formulation is
where \(H\) is now the abstract operator appearing in the equation of motion of the abstract state
For density matrices, we have
and thus \(H = i \Liouville\).
To allow for arbitrary equations of motion, a routine mu may be passed to
that returns the abstract operator \(\mu\) as a
, or alternatively as a callable that takes \(\phi_k\) as its
argument and evaluates \(\mu \phi_k\). The default mu is
, which covers the most common equation of motions:
standard Schrödinger equation
master equation, where either the H attribute of the objective contains a Hamiltonian and there are Lindblad operators in c_ops, or the H attribute contains a super-operator \(\Liouville\) directly (the case discussed above).
Alternative implementations of mu must have the same signature as
, but should only be required in rare
circumstances, such as when the derivative still depends on the control values
or on the states. (Or, if you can provide a more efficient problem-specific
Calculate ∂H/∂ϵ for the standard equations of motion. |
: derivative_wrt_pulse
-, i_objective, pulses, pulses_mapping, i_pulse, time_index)[source]¶
Calculate ∂H/∂ϵ for the standard equations of motion.
- Parameters:
i_objective (int) – The index of the objective in objectives whose equation of motion the derivative should be calculated.
pulses (list) – The list of pulses occuring in objectives
pulses_mapping (list) – The mapping of elements of pulses to the components of objectives, as returned by
i_pulse (int) – The index of the pulse in pulses for which to calculate the derivative
time_index (int) – The index of the value in
that should be plugged in to ∂H/∂ϵ. Not used, as this routine only considers equations of motion that are linear in the controls.
- Returns:
The quantum operator or super-operator that represents ∂H/∂ϵ. In general, the return type can be any callable mu so that
calculates the result of applying ∂H/∂ϵ to state. In most cases, aQobj
will be returned, which is just the most convenient example of an appropriate callable.- Return type:
This function covers the following cases:
attribute of the objective contains a Hamiltonian, there are noc_ops
(Schrödinger equation: the abstract H in ∂H/∂ϵ is the Hamiltonian directly)the
attribute of the objective contains a Hamiltonian \(\Op{H}\), and there are Lindblad operators \(\Op{L}_i\) inc_ops
(master equation in Lindblad form). The abstract H is \(i \Liouville\) for the Liouvillian defined as\[\Liouville[\Op{\rho}] = -i[\Op{H},\Op{\rho}]+\sum_{i} \left( \Op{L}_i \Op{\rho} \Op{L}_i^\dagger - \frac{1}{2} \left\{ \Op{L}_i^\dagger \Op{L}_i, \Op{\rho}\right\} \right)\]the
attribute of the objective contains a super-operator \(\Liouville\), there are noc_ops
(general master equation). The abstract H is again \(i \Liouville\).