qdyn.prop_gate module

Support routines for the qdyn_prop_gate utility




Yield gates in gates_file, where gates_file is in the format written by the qdyn_prop_gate utility’s --write-gate option.


qdyn.prop_gate.get_prop_gate_of_t(gates_file, with_t=False)[source]

Yield gates in gates_file, where gates_file is in the format written by the qdyn_prop_gate utility’s --write-gate option. That is, each row in gates_files has \(2 n^2 + 1\) columns. The first column is a time stamp, the remaining columns are the real and imaginary part for each entry in the \(n \times n\) gate (vectorized in column-major format). If with_t is False (default), yield only the gates, otherwise yield both the gates and the time stamp for each gate


  • If with_t=False, iterator over gates, where each gate is a complex \(n \times n\) numpy matrix, or a Gate2Q instance for a $4 times 4$ gate

  • If with_t=True, iterator of tuples (gate, t), where t is a float or an instance of UnitFloat if the time unit can be derived from the header of gates_file