"""Support routines for the qdyn_prop_gate utility"""
import re
import numpy as np
from .units import UnitFloat
def _isqrt(n):
"""Integer square root of n > 0
>>> _isqrt(1024**2)
>>> _isqrt(10)
assert n >= 0
x = n
y = (x + 1) // 2
while y < x:
x = y
y = (x + n // x) // 2
return x
[docs]def get_prop_gate_of_t(gates_file, with_t=False):
r"""Yield gates in `gates_file`, where `gates_file` is in the format
written by the ``qdyn_prop_gate`` utility's ``--write-gate`` option. That
is, each row in `gates_files` has $2 n^2 + 1$ columns. The first column is
a time stamp, the remaining columns are the real and imaginary part for
each entry in the $n \times n$ gate (vectorized in column-major format). If
`with_t` is False (default), yield only the gates, otherwise yield both the
gates and the time stamp for each gate
* If ``with_t=False``, iterator over gates, where each gate is a
complex $n \times n$ numpy matrix, or a Gate2Q instance for a $4
\times 4$ gate
* If ``with_t=True``, iterator of tuples ``(gate, t)``, where ``t`` is
a float or an instance of UnitFloat if the time unit can be derived
from the header of `gates_file`
with open(gates_file) as in_fh:
time_unit = None
for line in in_fh:
if line.startswith('#'):
time_unit = re.search(r't\s*\[(\w+)\]', line).group(1)
except AttributeError:
vals = np.array([float(v) for v in line.split()])
n = _isqrt((len(vals) - 1) // 2)
assert 2 * n * n + 1 == len(vals)
shape = (n, n)
gate = np.reshape(
vals[1::2], shape, order='F'
) + 1j * np.reshape(vals[2::2], shape, order='F')
if with_t:
if time_unit is not None:
yield gate, UnitFloat(vals[0], time_unit)
yield gate, vals[0]
yield gate